Green Screen For Your Library Makerspace

Whether your students want to take themselves back in time, create their own weather report, or create ace photographer like holiday photos, you need this for your library makerspace.  It can come in many shapes, sizes and formats. …

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First Time Attendees Guide to NCTIES

*Updated for NCTIES 2020 In just a few days close to 4,000 educators will descend upon Raleigh for the North Carolina Technology in Education Society (NCTIES) conference. If this is your first time attending, get ready for two…

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Freebie for Librarians

Freebie for librarians daily patron stickers.

In my previous posts I’ve discussed the importance of keeping records of what you do each day. For librarians, part of this includes recording the number of patrons who visit the library. This can be accomplished in a…

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Hangout With Yourself and Control Your Computer

Love them or hate them, interactive whiteboards force a teacher to stay at the front of the room to control it. There are tools and software available you can purchase that allow you to share screens. Many of…

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Become a Coding Pro With Microbits

When teaching students to code it helps to have something that is both easy to use and grabs their attention. Microbits can do just that. Show your students the basics and turn them loose. In just a few…

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