Organizing Your Virtual Classroom

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This week I have the honor of sharing information regarding how to organize your virtual classroom during the Home Learning Summit that is taking place until November 30th.  

For those who have found themselves having to use some sort of learning management system for the first time, and doing it in a hurry, I know it’s been a challenging task.  That’s why I created the session Organizing Your Virtual Classroom.

The session is roughly 20 minutes long and focuses on three main points:

  1. Create a plan
  2. Organize your classroom
  3. Taming the Chaos

Create a Plan

In part one, you’ll answer a few questions that determine things your students need, how you normally plan, and weekly routines.  Take a few minutes to really answer those questions.  It will may a difference in how you lay out your content.  

Organize Your Classroom

Now we are going to take your answers from part one and use it to set up topics as well as organize the information under the topics to make it easier for students to follow.  

We pull together important information that your students need to access on a regular basis. We examine how you typically plan instruction. Then we look at how to put the content together.

One of the things I didn’t share in the presentation is the importance of making sure you are including the same materials, assignments, etc., in your virtual space that you share with face to face students.  This keeps things consistent regardless of how you are teaching your classes.  

Elementary teachers have found that a Week-at-a-Glance format can help their students maneuver through the week’s assignments.  I’ve included the template that I shared in the presentation.  I’ve created additional templates that can be found here.

Taming the Chaos

The final part of the presentation provides ways to tame the multitude of notifications that come with creating a Google Classroom.  

I’ve shared my session in a nutshell.  There are over 140 more waiting to be viewed.  But don’t wait!  Each session only stays live for five days.  If you want unlimited access to the videos, be sure to check out the access options available. 

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