A Simple Trick for Remote Learners

Whether your students are remote learner, face-to-face, or following a hybrid model, making sure students have every web page they need to have open can be a challenge.  Once set up, this nifty little trick can help save time for both you and your students!

This trick uses Google Chrome.  There are probably ways to do this in other Browsers, but I’m a Google fan.  

Bookmark the page.

The Setup

What you want to do is to set up a folder on your Bookmarks bar to house the frequently opened websites.  Here’s how to set it up:

Create a Daily Pages folder on the Bookmarks Bar
  1.  Go to one of the sites that you use every day.  Email is a good place to start.  
  2. When the site loads, click the star at the end of the web address to begin the bookmarking process.
  3. Select the Choose Another Folder from the menu that appears.
  4. Select the New Folder button at the bottom.  Create a folder and have it set to show on your Bookmarks Bar.  I called mine Daily Pages.
  5. Now go to all of the sites you want to include and Bookmark them.  Make sure they are saved in the folder you just created.  If you already have site bookmarked to go to another location, you can remove the bookmark and save it in the new location.  
  6. When you create the folder, it should be saved on your Bookmarks Bar.  If you don’t see it, click on the arrow by Bookmarks and make sure “Show Bookmark Bar” is checked.  

The Magic

Now that you have your folder set up, it’s time to watch the magic happen.  

Right click on the folder and select Open All.
  1.  Open your Chrome Browser.
  2. Right click on the folder (mine is called Daily Pages).
  3. Select Open All.  There will be a number in parenthesis to tell you how many tabs you are opening.  
  4. Voila!  All of your tabs are opening.  

Now all you have to do is to tell your remote learners to open their Daily Folder. All of the websites they will need will automatically open and be ready for students to use.

It may take a few minutes to set up the first time, but think of how much time you and your students will save on a daily basis!

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